To fix or not to fix

As some of you might now I recently dropped my iPhone 4. It now has a lovely crack in the screen. Fixing it at T-Mobile costs 200/300 euros. I will keep the guarantee then but I'm phoneless for about a week.
I can let it fix for 180 euros at a company that fix phones but then I will lose my guarentee and they have my phone for 2 days. I also can fix it by myself. A new screen costs 60 euros and I keep my phone.
What should I do? Did someone replaced their iPhone frontscreen?


Trelin said...

What good is the guarantee if you still have to pay 200/300 euros to get it fixed?

Kan Gebeuren said...

I don't know. They don't fix things if it is your own fault. Pretty lame.

Respen said...

waste of money, sell the apple and buy better phone.

Nebberz said...

i highly...highly suggest looking into squaretrade warranties next time. They will cover drops and spills and are usually 30-50% cheaper in my experience.

Best of luck.

Igneel21 said...

do it yourself, theres a lot of guides around so so its not that hard, im practically iliterate to this stuff i did it myself

Paranormal Explorer said...

Just fix it yourself. Find some guides online and go with one that has plenty of images and very clear instructions so you don't make a mistake :)

HaliChap said...

Damn, what a toss up. They always get you good when ya need service.

Football Maniac said...

You'd lose there guarantee if you try to fix it yourself right?

tyler_crowe said...

When I worked for AT&T we couldn't do any iPhone service because Apple held the contracts...needless to say no one was happy when they found out that they would have to go to a corporate store in dayton or an apple store in Cinnci...if that is still there

Kan Gebeuren said...

@football Maniac,
Yes. ;(

Shaft said...

I'd try fixing it yourself first. There are a lot of tutorials.

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